Terms and Conditions

Each web user needs to follow the rules when reading articles, watching videos, playing games, or copying materials on a website. It often happens that people plagiarize someone’s papers or blame the website owner for using personal information without one’s agreement. Consequently, there must be rules that both sides (the website owner and web visitors) are to keep to and never break. This page is devoted to the Terms and Conditions of our website. Those who disagree with something are to leave it. One can go on browsing only after having accepted all the mentioned conditions.

Besides, it is necessary to read our Notice concerning personal data we need you to introduce to us.

REMEMBER! You MUST not use our website in the following cases:

  • the law does not allow you to gamble because of your age
  • our games are not legal in your country
  • you do not want us to assemble information about you

You should study all documents concerning the law and either accept everything or quit.


Gambling demands investments. A person must have the right to pay and receive payment in case of winning. Some countries are against gambling and punish participants by making them pay fines, handing down a conditional sentence, or sending them to prison. We take care of our reputation and never deal with gamers whose age doesn’t correspond to our or their country’s law. You should first find out whether you can or cannot play. One must quit if his or her age is not compatible with law regulations.


Courts in the United Kingdom accept claims and impose punishment depending on the articles of the British constitution. Any game participant can sue. We can also go to trial in case you break our rules, or we find out that your gaming is illegal. That is why we insist on reading our Terms to prevent such situations and provide our service safely.


Sometimes, our service stops being available to our users or is not available to new ones. The reasons might be different – from law violation to technical problems. In case of technical issues, the website will start functioning as soon as our experts improve the functionality of the website. If you face law restrictions, our staff will not be responsible for the consequences. You are warned about rules. So, we can delete you from the system without warnings because we cherish our reputation. We also do not want other customers to suffer because of someone’s decision to be not law-abiding.


We hire a team of professionals to run the website. They create logos, write articles, develop graphics, promote the site, and are responsible for its content. Everything you can find here belongs to our Intellectual Property. Only we can decide who can copy our data and use it for other reasons. Our customers MUST NOT copy-paste our products, develop their sequels or alternatives, change something if we do not ask about that. Otherwise, we will sue according to the Privacy Policy regulations.


It is comfortable to read a text and learn about other things without the necessity to google them. We use hyperlinks or links that let you know about other products or our service providers. Nevertheless, you are not to complain of having troubles with a third-party website. We are responsible only for our service and content. It is better to check the rules of the hyperlinked website to avoid problems.


We post information and often give links to other websites. Sometimes our freelancers introduce data taken from other websites. Despite our efforts to provide only reliable and verified texts, there might be inconsistency. We are not responsible for that. Moreover, we just provide information and have nothing to do with the quality of games, described services, expenses, bets, and other related things.


We do not want to have problems with the law. That is why we do not welcome illegal actions on our website. You must be aware of gambling regulations in your region and the UK. In case you have problems with finding articles of the constitution that describe responsible gambling, you might turn to an organization that deals with gambling and solving problems that occur in this area. One can find additional information on two official and reputable websites – BGA and the UK Gambling Commission.


Regarding the law, we can alter Terms when required. We do not want to cheat. Our goal is to improve our service and make it reliable for our customers. In case we have to change the rules radically, we will inform you in advance. You will receive a notification a month before new terms come into force. Only we can decide what and how to change. We guarantee that it will not contradict the law.

Eventually, we strongly recommend revising Term before going on using our website. If you do not agree with something, you will have to quit immediately.